Friday, June 08, 2007

Backyard Party Pics

Karyn posted a great slideshow from our Memorial Day grilling adventure. If you haven't seen them, check them out. Click on "Karyn" under
my Links.
Here's a few extra pics from my camera. Notice the damaged garbage can. Despite the beginning problems with the charcoal,
we still had a great time!


Anonymous said...

What happen to the garbage can??

Heidi said...

that's what I want to know.

Anonymous said...

The Kilburns are here in Oklahome....we KNOW what happened to the garbage can....the WHOLE case anyone is wondering...if you are interested in becoming a Firefighter and need experience, just visit the Napoleon Gardens Restaurant where "the girls" will REALLY show you how to grill...haha

mel said...

The garbage can met up with some charcoal that we thought wasn't working. Obviously, we underestimated it!