Monday, September 25, 2006

Girls Night Out

I have never in my life gone camping- until this year. O.k. - maybe it wasn't really camping. I did roast hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire and sleep in a tent. The tent was in somebody's backyard, and I did use their bathroom- I don't know if I could survive REAL camping. Sleeping on the ground is painful to be quite honest and the huge spider that I found in my tent in the morning makes me reluctant to ever sleep in a tent again, but maybe.....

It was definitely fun. Sixteen girls, five tents, a huge bonfire, tasty treats, singing, stories, testimonies ....all that was great......but the giant spider....he was not my friend. That's why I smashed him with my shoe after I screamed and completely frightened the other girls in my tent. And I was the older, twenty-something girl, the one who was supposed to be a good example in front of the teenagers. Right. First I freak them out because of a bug, then I dramatically murder one of God's creatures with my tennis shoe..... but I really am quite mature. Although I totally failed at game time. I could not run for long...I was wimpy. I could not be a part of the BLOB. I could not keep up with the young girls. I was seriously out of breath and had to sit down during the next game.

But again, it was fun. Hanging out with all those girls, eating, talking, laughing, just being together as sisters in Christ- it really was a blessing to me. And maybe if we decide to do it again next year, I'll try it once more- but if any spiders come near me, I will not show mercy on them.....and I might take an air mattress.

My favorite quote from the camp out:

"We are!"

This quote took place when we were trying to properly take down all the tents.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these pictures and comments, Mel. I hadn't seen any pictures of the "camp out" yet. It really was lots of fun for all!

Anonymous said...