Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Different Point of View

Why does life have to be so difficult? If only I were bigger and knew how to communicate with these people. This is a strange world- everything is big and bright.

Oh, here comes that person again.....the one that is NOT my mommy. Whenever she shows up, Mommy disappears for awhile. Hunger.....time to let her know I'm not happy. It's a good thing I am so good at screaming. Oh, why does it take so long? Just stop bouncing me and put the food in my mouth! Oh......the hunger is extreme.....maybe I need to scream louder.......finally...food. It's so wonderful and makes my tummy feel so warm and happy. Now to study this non-mommy person. Hmmm...she doesn't look too evil. At least she knows how to hold the bottle at the right angle......wait- don't take it out! What are you doing, person? I DO NOT drink too fast! I'm gonna holler if you don't give it back....thank you. I do not understand these much bigger people.

Oh, this is so great. I just lie here and drink the bottle.....she holds me. Hey, there's big brother looking at me again. He must like me. Of course he does. I mean, why wouldn't he? I love it when so many people pay attention to me. Oh wait.....she's taking the bottle again. I know it wasn't empty.....come on.....pat, pat, pat...why do we have to do this patting the back thing before I finish my food?

Hmmm.....where are we going? Oh, no, not the little table thing. Please....don't ....why are you taking off my clothes? I hate being exposed for all to see! It's cold....oh, and the wipe is freezing. Ok....I'm screaming. This is terrbily uncomfortable. And the outfit over the head. Why do you torture me, lady? Who cares if I spit up all over it? Can't you take the smell? Now a new one over the head again and I have to scrunch my arms into the little holes. This is not my idea of a good time. Just keep screaming...maybe she'll stop......whew! I hope we don't have to do that again for awhile.

The joys of little bitty babies.....I sometimes wonder what is going on in their young minds. It should be simple really- feed them, change them, rock them. They are the ones that make it complicated, right? They don't want to be wet, but they hate being changed. They don't want to take time to burp, but they hate having gas. Well, life goes on.....and, hey, at least they're cute!

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